Ivan Zelensky-Surovtsev
Software Engineer, Researcher
Personal Information
Gluskin, 20 /
7, Rishon Le Zion, Israel 75263
Status: Married + 1
Date of
birth: 22.06.1972
03-9691302 (home) 05-23-23-23-18 (mobile)
General Information
Over 9 years of experience as a software
Deep knowledge and experience in system
programming for Windows. Excellent knowledge of Win32 API, Windows internals.
Experience in real-time programming.
Experience in multithreading and
multitasking programming, building VoIP
applications. Strong background in object oriented design and development.
Operation Systems: MS Windows for
PC and Pocket PC, HP-UX, PSOS, MS DOS
Programming Languages
and Tools: C/C++, STL, MFC, MS VC++, SDK / DDK,
Assembler, NuMega SoftICE /
SingleStep, WinDBG, ClearCase, StarTeam, COM, SQL.
Databases: MS Access
97 / 2000, MS SQL Server 7.0, FoxPro 2.0-2.5
Professional Experience
08.2005 –
present Destinator
Technologies, (Hertzeliya-Pituakh)
GPS navigation
software development for PDA, PND and mobile Smartphones.
Development of core components of “Destinator” navigation system.
Research, debug and resolving software
problems of the new hardware devices.
08.2004 –
present comMATCH
Ltd., Telrad affiliated company, Rosh-Ayin
Development of VoIP
Media Gateway between PSTN and cable networks.
Responsibilities: Software Engineer, Application layer
Implementing Secure Network Time Protocol
feature – C, PSOS.
Development and maintenance of
provisioning support for control-card.
Maintenance and debugging of high-level
applications – PSOS, UNIX, SingleStep.
07.2003 –
08.2004 Z.M.M. Tech Ltd., Petah-Tiqwa
Single-Chip Solution design for Internet
Telephony through USB connectivity.
Responsibilities: Senior Software Developer, Project Manager
Design and development of core components
of the company’s products: client and server applications for recording and
sending audio-stream over IP – Win Sockets, Win32 API.
Build several debugging tools for
internal use: Debug Monitor, packet sniffer etc.
Developed windows intermediate driver,
which allows to control traffic-flow through low-level packet filtering
(Quality Of Service) – DDK,
08.2002 – 02.2003 Creosoft.net, Netania
Design of a software product, which gives a
constant remote access to files and applications from any computer or other
device having an Internet connection.
Responsibilities: Software Engineer
Development of applications for Client
and Server sides.
Spy-module for memory usage and API calls
of client application – Windows Hooks.
SMS Sender development: Platform SDK, Win HTTP.
Windows NT services for Server side.
04.2001 – 06.2002 Anysoft Ltd., Netania
“Digital Cortex” technology
development. “DC” exposes windows as programmable objects at run-time
and enhances application’s functionality without access to source codes.
Responsibilities: Senior
System Programmer
“Digital Cortex” technology development
Spy module development for API calls.
Deal with calls that may affect application UI: Assembler, NuMega SoftICE. Design of an application that acquires GUI data
from any window in the system (even if the window is hidden or invisible).
Exploring of Windows applications by debuggers and disassemblers.
Additional projects: Low-Level subsystem
(injection, hooking, functions calls interception), OS Abstraction Level
subsystem for GUI (provide details upon request)
10.1999 – 04.2001 RCS Communication Test Systems, Or-Yehuda
Responsibilities: Software Engineer
Design of test systems for wireless
communication sophisticated products. High level network programming (SNMP, RS-232, GPIB Interface).
Development of applications for automatic
testing RF cards (CVI, VB).
Development applications (Visual C++ / MFC, Visual Basic,
Design and implementation MS Access and SQL Server databases.
Worked with customers: Marconi
1995 – 1998 Ukrainian Trade Company "Obyedynenie" ,
Responsibilities: Database Programmer (Database Management Department)
Design and support database of company’s
employees and customers (MS Access'97 / VBA / MS Access Forms and Reports).
Development application UI (MS Visual
C++, Visual Basic).
1993 – 1994 Ukrainian Institute Of
Agricultural Resources,
Engineer (Department of Automatic Management Systems)
FoxPro database development. Database
access applications for end user (FoxPro).
– 1995 Ukrainian State University,
M. Sc, Mathematics
and Computer Science (Cybernetics Faculty)
Studying high
mathematics and programming. Mathematical modeling
and algorithm development. Diploma: “Development of WWW server for
2002 – 2003 Finished course for academics – algorithm
research, development and implementation. Introducing in MS
.NET technology. Course duration - 800 hours.
1998 – 1999 Advanced Course for Programmers "Kedem", IL (600 h.)
Studying DB
management systems - MS Access, Interbase. Programming
tools MS Visual C++ / MFC, Borland C 4.5, Visual Basic,
Team player able to work
with a variety of teams: integrators, QA, tech support.
References Available upon