Ivan Zelensky-Surovtsev

Software Engineer, Researcher


Personal Information

Gluskin, 20 / 7, Rishon Le Zion, Israel 75263

Marital Status: Married + 1

Date of birth: 22.06.1972

Phone: 03-9691302 (home) 05-23-23-23-18 (mobile)


General Information

§         Over 9 years of experience as a software engineer.

§         Deep knowledge and experience in system programming for Windows. Excellent knowledge of Win32 API, Windows internals. Experience in real-time programming.

§         Experience in multithreading and multitasking programming, building VoIP applications. Strong background in object oriented design and development.

§         Operation Systems: MS Windows for PC and Pocket PC, HP-UX, PSOS, MS DOS

§         Programming Languages and Tools: C/C++, STL, MFC, MS VC++, SDK / DDK, Assembler, NuMega SoftICE / SingleStep, WinDBG, ClearCase, StarTeam, COM, SQL.

§         Databases: MS Access 97 / 2000, MS SQL Server 7.0, FoxPro 2.0-2.5


Professional Experience

08.2005 – present       Destinator Technologies, (Hertzeliya-Pituakh)

            GPS navigation software development for PDA, PND and mobile Smartphones.

·        Development of core components of “Destinator” navigation system.

·        Research, debug and resolving software problems of the new hardware devices.

  • Customers' tech-support.

08.2004 – present       comMATCH Ltd., Telrad affiliated company, Rosh-Ayin

Development of VoIP Media Gateway between PSTN and cable networks.

Responsibilities: Software Engineer, Application layer

·        Implementing Secure Network Time Protocol feature – C, PSOS.

·        Development and maintenance of provisioning support for control-card.

·        Maintenance and debugging of high-level applications – PSOS, UNIX, SingleStep.


07.2003 – 08.2004     Z.M.M. Tech Ltd., Petah-Tiqwa

Single-Chip Solution design for Internet Telephony through USB connectivity.

Responsibilities: Senior Software Developer, Project Manager

·        Design and development of core components of the company’s products: client and server applications for recording and sending audio-stream over IP – Win Sockets, Win32 API.

·        Build several debugging tools for internal use: Debug Monitor, packet sniffer etc.

·        Developed windows intermediate driver, which allows to control traffic-flow through low-level packet filtering (Quality Of Service) – DDK, C.

08.2002 – 02.2003      Creosoft.net, Netania

Design of a software product, which gives a constant remote access to files and applications from any computer or other device having an Internet connection.

Responsibilities: Software Engineer

·                    Development of applications for Client and Server sides.

·                    Spy-module for memory usage and API calls of client application – Windows Hooks.

·                    SMS Sender development: Platform SDK, Win HTTP.

·                    Windows NT services for Server side.

04.2001 – 06.2002      Anysoft Ltd., Netania

 “Digital Cortex” technology development. “DC” exposes windows as programmable objects at run-time and enhances application’s functionality without access to source codes.

Responsibilities: Senior System Programmer

·        “Digital Cortex” technology development participation.

·        Spy module development for API calls. Deal with calls that may affect application UI: Assembler, NuMega SoftICE. Design of an application that acquires GUI data from any window in the system (even if the window is hidden or invisible).

·        Exploring of Windows applications by debuggers and disassemblers.

·        Additional projects: Low-Level subsystem (injection, hooking, functions calls interception), OS Abstraction Level subsystem for GUI (provide details upon request)

10.1999 – 04.2001      RCS Communication Test Systems, Or-Yehuda

Responsibilities: Software Engineer

·        Design of test systems for wireless communication sophisticated products. High level network programming (SNMP, RS-232, GPIB Interface).

·        Development of applications for automatic testing RF cards (CVI, VB).

·        Development applications (Visual C++ / MFC, Visual Basic, ADO) for communication with DB and data processing.

·        Design and implementation MS Access and SQL Server databases.

·        Worked with customers: Marconi Israel, Floware (now Alvarion).

1995 – 1998                Ukrainian Trade Company "Obyedynenie"          , Kiev, UA

Responsibilities: Database Programmer (Database Management Department)

·        Design and support database of company’s employees and customers (MS Access'97 / VBA / MS Access Forms and Reports).

·        Development application UI (MS Visual C++, Visual Basic).

1993 – 1994                Ukrainian Institute Of Agricultural Resources, Kiev, UA

Software Engineer                               (Department of Automatic Management Systems)

§         FoxPro database development. Database access applications for end user (FoxPro).



1989 – 1995                Ukrainian State University, Kiev, UA

M. Sc, Mathematics and Computer Science (Cybernetics Faculty)

Studying high mathematics and programming. Mathematical modeling and algorithm development. Diploma: “Development of WWW server for Kiev State University

2002 – 2003    Finished course for academics – algorithm research, development and implementation. Introducing in MS .NET technology. Course duration - 800 hours.

1998 – 1999    Advanced Course for Programmers "Kedem", IL (600 h.)

Studying DB management systems - MS Access, Interbase. Programming tools MS Visual C++ / MFC, Borland C 4.5, Visual Basic, Delphi.


Team player able to work with a variety of teams: integrators, QA, tech support.


References          Available upon request.